cloud network diagram

Why you Need to Move your Business to the Cloud

The cloud is with you. The cloud is everywhere.

Whether we use a desktop computer or a mobile device we may be using the cloud without knowing. If we are on social media, we are using the cloud when we interact with our friends. Doing a bank transaction on any of these devices requires us to use the cloud. So, there are various ways in which we use cloud computing. Most times we do so without realizing it. In this age when technology pervades life, there may not be many things, we do on a computer without using something at least partially cloud-based.

How is it used in business today? As with any new technology, it’s a process of adoption and spread. With all the advances in technology, there is a shift to cloud computing as shown by this study that found that the majority of organizations now use the cloud in at least half of their IT infrastructure. So if you haven’t yet, how can you use the benefits of the cloud? ;

What is the cloud?

Cloud computing is the delivery of services (computer applications), using the Internet. Instead of having the program on your computer, where the installed program is processed by your computer and responds to your input, cloud computing has you basically using someone else’s computer, which does all the processing and calculation, and the input and data are ferried back and forth over the internet. With cloud computing, we do not need to have every software installed on our desktop at home or in the office. Capabilities are available online by various providers. Services are available to us through membership and a subscription fee. So, we use the cloud when we access and use these services online. The cloud is that online platform that is offsite which we use for work or communication.

Benefits of cloud computing

We live in an age in which most businesses make use of cloud technology. So, you run a business and it is not operating with cloud technology. Then your business may be most likely one of few not using the modern tools available to it. And the time may have come to look at what your business is missing and how it can do better with the cloud.

man interacting with cloud service applications

• Flexibility:

We operate in a changing world. Businesses must adjust to this dynamic environment. They must adjust to change in technology, scale up or down if needed. Is your company changing its accounting software? Instead of having to uninstall, buy the new software, and then install and set up n your office hardware, now all you need to do is change subscriptions. As shown in a recent report, the flexibility that cloud technology makes it the main attraction for businesses.

• Easy recovery of data

Loss of data often happens due to unforeseen causes when in a physical office. With a business that is cloud-based or has a cloud backup, there is a safeguard against loss, as cloud-based services offer data protection and redundancy. There is easy, quick, and inexpensive recovery. After any onsite loss of data from your physical office, you don’t have to worry.

• Automatic security and software update

With a cloud-based business, your software and security would be in the hands of the provider, who has invested in data security because of the economy of scale. So, your provider will handle these issues, freeing you of this aspect of your business.

• You save on hardware cost

With your business on the cloud, you avoid costly hardware investment. You only need an internet connection and to pay your subscription for continued use of the technology.

• Easier for employees to engage and work from different locations

The cloud allows your team members to work from anywhere at any time. This means your business can have its workers telecommute, and in some cases, have flexible work hours. With your business operating on the cloud, workers can collaborate from different locations. They can access, share, and edit documents. This kind of on-the-go adaptability means better business continuity, which in 2020 has been at the forefront of many companies’ operations.

• Better security

The cloud keeps your data secure off-site so even if you lose your hardware, you can still have access. Also, you can take steps to delete or secure sensitive data as needed.

• More competitive

With cloud technology access your business can share, adapt, and change technology with greatly reduced cost, compared to traditional migration. Doing legacy system migration to make your business cloud-based will allow you to grow your business and make it future-proof.

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