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The Latest from the CES 2021: Consumer Tech Trends to Note

You might’ve been used to going to the annual CES 2021 and getting your hands on one of the actual units being unveiled in the annual event. For the first time in its entire existence, the even moved online, just like many other annual events.

Rather than cancel, the virtual event allowed the millions that usually visited the Las Vegas-hosted event in the safety of their homes. From business management software up to the tech in everyday lives, the event gave people the usual that they wanted to see. While more of the usual was seen, the event was still different due to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

Here are the possible trends that may actually happen in 2021. Most of these are reactions to the current pandemic, but it’s not far-fetched to see that it may actually happen.

COVID-Tech is Going to be Big

Tech is set to grow even bigger this year, but it’s because of another challenge it’s facing—the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the reasons it’s surging the way it’s been doing is because of the pandemic. If innovation is driven by adversity, tech is adjusting to help fight against this coronavirus, and the benefit is growth.

Take, for instance, the companies Razer and Kinsa. Razer, better known for its high-grade gaming laptops and accessories, lent its expertise in the unlikely production of the Project Hazel smart face mask. Kinsa, on the other hand, helped in collecting data from different smart devices at home to help in the detection and prediction of viral outbreaks and spreading.

Laptops for Work and Learn at Home Set-ups

Another sector that got an unlikely boost from the past year is the home tech niche. Since everyone is working and learning from home, most manufacturers have their eyes set on becoming the brand of choice for home office set-ups. That’s why most computer companies, as well as furniture makers, are trying to adjust to that sudden boom.

Office chairs and computer monitor screens have become a big priority for people working from home. LG and X-Chair are just a few brands offering new designs that have since become popular with people who find themselves earning a living from home.

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Home Entertainment Set-Ups

When you’re stuck at home, you’re most likely to find sources of entertainment within the four corners of your living room or bedroom. Manufacturers have answered the call by creating new ways to get consumers to spend on products that aim to improve their work-from-home or concert-from-home experiences.

Of course, what would a home entertainment set-up be without a flashy new TV in the living room? LG’s OLED TV offers a way to ‘go out’ by mimicking the appearance of a window with its “invisible” borders. TCL and Razor also have their own offerings on the Smart TV niche.

More on the Work-from-home Set-ups

The biggest thing that tech has to prepare for should be the pandemic situation bought about by COVID-19. There’s no question that people are scared more than they want things to return to normal. With that fear comes doubt—more people will still choose to work and learn from home rather than return to traveling for the 9 to 5.

Collaboration, video conferencing, and scheduling services will all have to be done in the relative safety of the living room. It will also become a part of the home more and more. That’s why software companies and hardware manufacturers should zero-in on this niche if they want more profit.

Tech Trade Shows from your Living Room

If you’re a fan of tech and is a regular visitor to the CES, Gamescom, and even Comic-Con events, you’re more likely to watch them from your living room this year. Even if you wanted to brave the crowds, you’d have little to no choice. The current protocols are designed to let people visit these events through virtual means or telecommuting.

The tech geared towards allowing you to travel virtually will have to be cameras that are built-in on your laptop or through added accessories. Even now, some trips are being made virtually, so these are going to be high on demand.

There’s a lot of changes this year, and tech is fast becoming affected by it. It’s all good if it will help the population recover more quickly and effectively by sheltering in place. You should expect this new kind of visit and the new norm to persist even after the pandemic subsides and everybody gets immunity from the virus.

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