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New Internet Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

Most things seemed to have slowed down in the year 2020. Many business operations came to a halt, while others took a different path and turned to the Internet for sustenance. With all the negativities that happened in the previous year, it may be a little too early to predict what 2021 has in store for all of us. But just the same, we will try to predict what the rest of 2021 guarantees for us. Certainly, the pandemic, which is still going on in every corner of the world, will have a strong influence on the various developments this year. Based on the previous year’s events, here are some of the up-and-coming trends that we believe are worthy enough to be given attention this year.

Growth of E-Commerce

Years ago, digital selling and marketing were just extras for businesses that have brick-and-mortar stores. Their online presence was just a supplement to their physical offices. After COVID-19 broke loose in 2020, this practice changed. Now, e-commerce has become the number 1 game for almost all entrepreneurs and big corporations. When government decrees shuttered all companies’ growth plans, many of these firms shifted their operations online. Those who could not make the shift suffered great losses, with some even closing either temporarily or for good. The shift to online operations was an excellent move as most consumers have turned to online shopping since the pandemic hit.

Now, almost everything can be sold and bought online. According to a survey done by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Netcomm Suisse eCommerce Association, in partnership with the Brazilian Network Information Center and Inveon, there has been a 6 to 10 percent increase in purchases across all product categories. ICT/electronics takes the lead while tools and gardening, Do-It-Yourself, and the pharmaceutical/health industry take the second slots. The digital entertainment industry is also experiencing an uptrend, albeit slowly. This growth is promising even for those who are selling movie scripts online.

Improved Product Photography


Thumbnails were the popular forms of showing images to people who want to see what products look like before buying. With the growing popularity of e-commerce, product photography is taking an upgrade. Product images are now larger and more detailed, with some giving would-be customers the ability to see the products in 3D and with 360 degrees rotation capability. Property sellers are also using virtual tours with 3D images to sell their products to their target consumers. As 2021 rolls on, we can expect that more developments will be made in this aspect.

More on Artificial Intelligence

There has been a lot of buzz around the use of AI in recent years. In 2021, this technology is set to take an even more improved scope, with the Internet of Things (IoT) fast rising in popularity. IoT allows things like appliances, security equipment, cars, and many other items to be connected wirelessly to the Internet. This trend is set to pave the way for better efficacy and security for protecting homes, better collection and analysis of data for business decision-making, enhanced healthcare services, and many other benefits that are to be enjoyed across all industries. Automation is also one of the many objectives of IoT. The capabilities of IoT are still under development.

Improved Medical Care Services

The Internet is so powerful that it can even enhance the various services related to medical and healthcare. These days, smartwatches are gaining ground. Many people, including medical practitioners, use them to detect or forecast health issues even before they show symptoms. Due to these new developments, American insurance companies are planning to use interactive insurance schemes, which utilize wearable devices and smartphones to track their customers’ fitness and health data. Medical experts are also eyeing this technology for the treatment of patients. They call this personalized treatment as predictive medicine.


This is a type of database that is set to transform businesses digitally. Blockchain is expected to play a vital role in the cryptocurrency market. In fact, Facebook is reported to be launching its own blockchain-based cryptocurrency this 2021. Around 77% of financial technology companies are also planning to use this technology in their inside-production processes. While some of these developments are influenced by the pandemic, they are expected to become even better in the coming years.

There are still more trends to watch out for in the next few months of 2021. All these developments are geared towards improving people’s everyday life and overall well-being.

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