eco friendly

Launching a Tech Startup without Harming the Environment

Technology business and the environment don’t seem to work together. Why? Most of the environmental problems stem from businesses from various industries and the advancement of technology. Think of a hundred companies worldwide contributing to 70 percent of the global gas emissions.

Fortunately, a growing number of businesses and organizations are pushing through with sustainability and environmental protection. The ultimate goal is to continue doing business worldwide without compromising the environment. This so-called ‘green’ initiative applies to the tech business as well.

If you’re looking to launch a tech business without significantly impacting the environment, here’s what you can do:

1. Get into the green industry

For the uninitiated, the green industry includes businesses that come up with products using sustainable materials. These companies typically use minimal amounts of water, alternative energy sources, and raw materials. The goal is to cut carbon emissions by utilizing these materials in eco-friendly and renewable ways. If you’re looking to start a tech business in the green industry, consider the following options:

  • Eco-friendly retail business: Create tools and technologies that will support the selling of sustainably sourced products.
  • Sustainable construction: Design robotics and automation that will replace manual work in construction using sustainable materials.
  • Upcycled furniture: Develop power tools and basic templates for reassembling and repurposing old and damaged furniture.
  • Solar panel installation: Consider using technology that will allow a seamless solar panel installation.
  • Local recycling business: Incorporate tools and technology in recycling and repurposing waste products.

2. Create a green business model

The traditional business model is focused on business profitability. Business leaders and managers set a budget for raw materials and labor, develop processes and applications, as well as consider product distribution or service delivery methods.

A green business model does more. While it considers those mentioned above, it also keeps environmental protection in mind. Companies and organizations incorporate sustainability into their business strategies. These strategies include using sustainable raw materials, energy-efficient tools and equipment, and alternative energy sources.

When starting a tech business, be sure to come up with a green business model.

3. Be wary of developing devices for business

The use of tools and technology has greatly aided businesses and organizations worldwide. Gone are the days when people had to do manual work.

Today, we’ve seen the rise of advanced tools and technologies such as automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML). They are all incorporated into various devices and systems used in business.

That said, you may want to partake in launching tools and technologies that will help businesses worldwide. However, be wary of developing devices for business. While you aim at helping companies, you don’t want to contribute to environmental degradation.

4. Be highly critical of your workflows and processes


When launching a tech business, you must consider your workflows and processes as well. These include obtaining sustainable raw materials, regulating energy consumption in production, reducing and repurposing waste products, developing ‘green’ products, and ensuring these products will have a longer life expectancy.

It’s best to work with reliable sustainability consultants for your business. They can help you design workflows and processes while taking care of the environment. They can also help you develop business strategies with sustainability in mind.

5. Partner with ‘green’ agencies or institutions

If you’re running your tech business for quite some time now, it’s a good idea to work with agencies and institutions that promote sustainability and environmental protection. That way, your business will be guided, as far as the environment is concerned. This will also align your business to future demands like saving the planet. Below are ‘green’ entities you might work with:

  • Energy Star: It provides energy-efficient devices, appliances, and systems that will reduce your energy consumption and help you save energy in the long run.
  • EPEAT: EPEAT stands for Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), a global ecolabel for the Information Technology (IT) sector.
  • Green Business Bureau: As a trusted authority in green business, it helps businesses and organizations develop and implement green initiatives and sustainable business practices.
  • American Consumer Council: This non-profit, tax-exempt membership organization is committed to consumer education, advocacy, and financial literacy. It provides a Green C certification to companies for ensuring high environmental standards.

The initiative of ‘going green’ in business and technology has become more apparent than ever. When launching a tech startup, you don’t have to hurt the environment. Be sure to venture into the green industry, create a green business model, and develop the right devices. While you’re at it, be highly critical of your workflows and processes and partner with ‘green’ agencies or institutions. All these will help you launch a successful tech business while helping save the environment.

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