covid 19 medicine

Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Effective Against COVID-19?

Throughout history, medicine has always played an integral role in addressing diseases and keeping our bodies healthy. Whether it’s treating a mild cold, patching up an injury, or recovering from an intense workout, much of human society has benefited from a longer life expectancy that’s mainly attributed to medicine.

But the medicine that we know now is quite different from the medicine we used to have hundreds of years ago. Culturally, many demographics around the world will have their own definition of medicine. Usually, many individuals use traditional medicine in remote places where access to modern-day medicine is not prevalent.

Since last year, the topic of medicine and pharmaceutical products has been getting a lot of traffic, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting different aspects of society around the world. Throughout the past few months, pharmaceutical companies and medical organizations have devised several ways of treating COVID-19. Even though COVID-19 vaccines are now being rolled out to different countries, many experts and doctors are still developing medicine designed to counter the severe effects of the virus.

Normally most people would think that state-of-the-art medicine would help with the symptoms of COVID. Still, there’s actually one known traditional medicine that has been known for being “effective” in addressing symptoms: Lianhua Qingwen. Many of the medical and pharmaceutical community are baffled by the findings from this traditional medicine. People who have used this medicine have claimed that it has addressed many of the problems caused by COVID to the respiratory system. In some cases, people believe that it can cure COVID-19.

But are these traditional types of medicine effective against COVID-19? What are some of the findings regarding traditional Chinese medicine? We’ll be answering some important questions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Effectiveness

herbal medicine

Lianhua Qingwen is a traditional Chinese medicine that’s made from a concoction of herbs and substances. Throughout the first few months of the Pandemic, many individuals, especially in the Southeast Asian region, have been using it to treat many respiratory illnesses, such as influenza, colds, and common ailments, such as coughing.

Since COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, Lianhua Qingwen is known for directly addressing many symptoms that are related to respiratory problems. Although, it’s also known for treating fevers that involve body ache and muscle pains.

Lianhua Qingwen is just part of an ancient system of treatment and wellness that first originated in China. Many of these treatments involve “alternative” therapy and herbal solutions rather than one that is based on founded medical sciences.

Usually, this involves the use of tai chi, massages, and acupuncture that help tap into an individual’s “energy.” This is also known for using herbal products to cure illnesses. Although some findings suggest that herbal products can help with illnesses, they shouldn’t be an alternative to medicine and treatments that practitioners have medically reviewed.

Fortunately, we don’t have to rely on word-of-mouth marketing to determine the efficacy of products. Recent developments in the pharmaceutical industry have led to innovations that can help with the production of effective modern medicine that can address illnesses. Laboratory tools and instruments, like the state-of-the-art pharmaceutical permeability test instrument, can help with research and the production of pharmaceutical goods.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine: Which Is More Effective?

Although traditional Chinese medicine has been gaining a bit of popularity among western countries, many of the medical communities in the west does not recognize traditional Chinese medicine as published and established medical knowledge.

Another known problem with traditional medicine is that it contained “organic” substances (animal and plant matter) that don’t necessarily have any medical significance. Studies have found that these “extra” substances will contain unregulated substances, heavy metals, and certain types of chemicals that are harmful to the body.

Although, this doesn’t necessarily mean that traditional Chinese medicine is a hoax. Simply speaking, there’s not that many tests or research that have been done to have a conclusion regarding conventional Chinese medicine. This contrasts with western medicine, which pharmaceutical companies often develop, with most findings being released to the public.

Although some studies might suggest that Linghua Qingwen and other traditional types of medicine might be “effective” against COVID-19 or milder ailments, this does not necessarily guarantee that it will have the same effect for everyone. Most individuals shouldn’t substitute real and peer-reviewed medicine with herbal alternatives that might cause more harm than good.

Information regarding medicine and the pandemic is always changing. That said, we must stay alert when it comes to disseminating information from news outlets and sources.

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