How Technology Has Changed Residential And Commercial Security Due To The Pandemic

The novel coronavirus emerged in China’s Wuhan province, and in no time, it spread across geographical borders to take the shape of a pandemic. The world never imagined that it would witness such a thing—something that was a matter of great interest to history buffs. But it happened, and it happened in the most surprising manner possible.

Stay-at-home orders, remote working, and strict social distancing norms became the go-to measures for governments of all nations to curb the spread of the virus, which has already affected millions. Restrictions on travel may have eased out over the last couple of months, but the fight against the virus is still on. Economies and societies are slowly coming to terms with the setback and are taking measures to stay strong amidst these challenging times.

Technology as a game changer for residential and commercial security

There’s no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we work and carry out our daily lives. Workspaces have moved to the virtual space, and households are running on smart devices. That’s what the pandemic did—made people rely heavily on technology pretty much for everything. Be it ordering groceries, seeking entertainment, or working remotely, technology has become all-in-one since the pandemic struck.

Residential and commercial security is one aspect that has changed due to the pandemic. Gone are the days when homes and workspaces would have a security service provider manning the function. But with social distancing norms in place, the dependency on humans have reduced and on technology has increased.

Here are a few noteworthy ways in which technology has changed home and office security:

  • Tech-enabled workspaces


Smart buildings have been around for a while, but they have somewhat become more mainstream with the rise in digitization in a post-pandemic world. These structures are marked by their high-tech automated processes, including security solutions. Technology has made it possible for many offices to switch to digital door access control—based on sensors and analytics—to prevent not only unauthorized entries but also to operate as per social distancing guidelines. A professional door access control system installation is quite fast as well. Businesses are also beefing up their cybersecurity measures using the latest software solutions to make remote working safer.

  • Digitized office operations

Workplace safety has become a primary focus for business organizations in the post-pandemic world. With so many restrictions in place, it’s natural for people to demand more safety at the office as they return to work gradually. There are now many mobile applications that allow businesses to do virtually anything—from booking meeting rooms to supporting office operations. These technologies are creating contactless workplaces and cashless canteens to ensure the health of employees.

  • Voice assistants at home

Smart homes with advanced door access control systems have been quite a coveted possession. However, the pandemic has made the “smartness” factor all the more lucrative and vital. Thanks to the rise of voice assistants that anything and everything at home, including security solutions, can be controlled just by commanding a device. The adoption of this technology has become even more pronounced after people resorted to more convenience and comfort as they stay indoors.

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