doctor and old patient

How Tech Has Helped Healthcare Systems Around the World

Technology has changed the way the world works. You can now have a conversation with your phone, computer or speaker. It’s rare to find a business that doesn’t have an online store. You can even rent a house, share a ride, or get a date with just a few taps. But tech didn’t just improve communication or convenience for everyday needs. It has also made important progress in the field of healthcare. Countries around the world have used technology to streamline their healthcare systems.

From Asia to America, here’s how IT and health are working together:

Data Integration


Several U.S. states have started implementing the mobile integrated healthcare and community paramedicine (MIH/CP) model. It works by using emergency medical services to address different health concerns. There are other systems where the local paramedic takes up more training to be able to attend to various medical needs. The MIH/CP model has several benefits. Arguably the biggest one is that it takes some pressure off the 911 system. It’s unfortunate, but true: some people call the number even if there’s no emergency. They may require assistance but it’s not the most ideal number to contact. Because you may be overloading the system when there are others with more urgent needs. According to the San Francisco Department of Emergency, they received at least 257,000 calls that didn’t require emergency services in a single year.

Another benefit from using MIH/CP program is that the patient is centered. The emergency services focus on the incident. The MIH/CP program can provide a personalized service because they use a cloud software to integrate patients’ data securely.

This model also helps communities with poor medical access. A lot of small towns around the country share doctors with other communities. This model improves access by using dispatch systems to notify emergency responders.


The Lion City is ahead of the game when it comes to health data integration. It launched the integrated clinic management systems (CMS) back in 2006. The program requires general practitioners to record and retrieve their patients’ health records. After every visit, the diagnosis, treatment, and prescriptions are updated in a file. This way medical professionals can have a better view of a person’s medical history. They won’t have to rely on anecdotes or missing papers from the patient. For patients, they’ll receive a more personalized service. Even if they move to a different part of the country, their medical history is accessible to any doctor.

Drone Delivery Services


drone deliveryIn a big country with a big population, access to healthcare can be a problem. You may have to travel thousands of miles to see the nearest doctor. Or, you would have to wait weeks and weeks just to get your medicine. Obviously, this is a serious health issue. There are medical conditions or illnesses that require immediate attention. A lot of people can’t afford to wait long or travel far. A couple of Chinese companies seems to have found a solution.

In 2018, Jetgo and Antwork launched drone delivery services. A drone can transport any package under 15 pounds in just 20 minutes. It’s a big upgrade from a regular postman who can do the same job in 2 hours. They can deliver anything, from food to medicine. The service has been especially helpful for the fight against COVID. Unlike regular delivery services, drones can ensure there’s no direct contact between deliveries. Thanks to tech, hospitals can get supplies safely and quickly.

Virtual Reality

United Kingdom

When you wear a virtual reality headset, you typically use it to play the latest video game or to watch a film. But in some places in the world, it’s also being used for medical treatments. It’s mostly being used to treat mental health disorders but there are other applications as well.

It can act as a tool to help people with ADHD maintain focus. For people with physical injuries or aches, evidence has shown that VR can help relieve pain. Instead of enduring stressful physical therapy exercises at a clinic, you’ll feel like you’re in a tropical beach.

The great thing about tech is that limits are constantly being challenged. It’s possible that not only patients will be wearing VR headsets. Germany is exploring the effectiveness of using VR to improve surgeries and education.

One of the best things about technology is the range of applications for a single invention. Cloud services are used by everyday people to back-up their precious photos. But now it’s also being used to streamline health services. Virtual reality was invented to entertain, but it can also help people’s well-being. Who knows? Maybe the device you’re using right now is also being used to save lives somewhere.

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