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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Security System

According to statistics, crime in both England and Wales rose at an alarming rate in the previous year. Robbery and theft rose by 11 and 8 percent, respectively. And now, with the current health emergency looming over everything, you could be understandably worried about the safety of your home or your business.

Given that emergency services could be pretty stretched at the moment, taking the initiative to defend your property is the smart move. Security systems are some of the best methods of deterring intruders and other suspicious individuals from trying to enter your premises. But before you simply have the first system installed in your home or business, here are some questions you need to answer.

What is Your Budget?

You need to determine how much you are willing to spend on a new security system, as well as how much you can spend on it in the first place. If your home has extensive grounds, multiple entrances, and full of valuable, you may need more expensive systems that can offer complete protection. But if your business is a simple brick-and-mortar store setup, or if your home is in a flat in a residential tower, a simple and cheaper system may be a better fit.

What Are the Critical Areas?

Tied to the above is determining where you need to concentrate your security efforts. Placing a security device in the right place can work wonders, just like installing security bollards made of concrete can immediately secure a driveway. Identify where you need to install the most secured system, such as any of the following areas:

  • All-access points like doors and windows
  • Areas with low visibility from the street or the main building
  • Places where you keep valuable such as your office
  • Entry points in the perimeter of the property, like gates

woman holding house model

How is it Going to Be Installed?

There are two types of security systems based on how they’re installed. The first is a regular wired system. The cameras, sensors, and other components are installed, connected by wiring. That requires extensive repairs and alterations to your property, such as holes drilled into your walls.

Wireless setups rely entirely on internet connectivity and other forms of data exchange. Cameras remotely feed to a computer and sensors work on radio frequencies. These setups can be more expensive, and their connectivity could be compromised by adverse weather.

What is its Power Supply?

Contrary to popular belief, all security systems have a battery back up in case regular power is disrupted. A security system that is plugged into the power grid stores energy in a battery that keeps the system running during an outage. The size and capacity of the battery determine how long it will remain operational afterward.

On the other hand, there are also security systems that use photovoltaic cells for energy. Just like their regular counterparts, these systems siphon energy into batteries. The main difference, aside from their source of energy, is that solar panels can be inoperative during cloudy or rainy days, forcing the system to switch to battery. They’re also inadvisable if your property doesn’t have the room for them.

Keeping your home or business safe is always a top concern. But now more than ever, you need to step up to protect your property. Choosing the right security system will help you keep your premises and your family secure for the months and years to come.

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