data breach

Data Breaches: Why They Happen

Much has been said about protecting your organization’s data. Doing so keeps malicious people from selling or using your data to further their agenda. But many organizations, businesses, and even individuals often overlook the reasons and mechanics of data breaches.

This is a crucial matter that you need to discuss with your IT consultants and providers of SQL server database support. When you know the mechanics and processes of data breaches, it will give you a big picture of your situation, allowing you to devise a comprehensive plan to secure your infrastructure. It will also help in keeping hackers and thieves at bay.

Below are some reasons behind data breaches:

Employee Errors

Not all reasons for breaches are technical. They can also because of human errors and negligence. Even a non-technical staff member can cause this. Some people make the mistake of using weak passwords or not replacing their old ones. Some even do not have a password in their computers or accounts.

You might not believe this one, but some people accidentally send sensitive information to wrong email addresses. To address this problem, proper training should be initiated. Being overly confident may also lead to data problems down the line. A person within your organization may unintentionally reveal the log-in credentials and passwords of your devices, thus providing them unauthorized access — in case that person has malicious intent.

The Deployment of Malware

Malicious software or malware is another reason behind data breaches. Advanced hackers create malware that can evade certain security parameters. Some hackers get access to an organization’s system or infrastructure by buying stolen log-in credentials and passwords on the dark web. There are also some cybercriminals who use password-cracking applications or machines to correctly guess passwords and inject malware. Once the hacker gains access to your system, they extract crucial information, such as credit card details, bank account numbers, addresses, and even passwords. They can even sell them to the black market.


online theft

Just because data breaches are a cybercrime does not mean that there will be no physicality involved. Some incidents actually do not require hackers to penetrate a system. Some of them just plan theft or burglary to get a device that contains important and pertinent information. Crooks are opportunists, so leaving your devices unattended gives them an opening.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is the use of methods that gain the trust of the victim. This usually includes phishing or vishing. Phishing usually comes in the forms of emails that look like they come from a legitimate source or organization. Vishing, on the other hand, is a type of phishing that usually comes in the form of a phone call. The goal is the same: to lure you into providing them with sensitive information.

Be Safe

Hackers and cybercriminals are getting more creative these days, and it is your duty to stay on top of these threats. Other than setting up security parameters, it also makes sense that you seek the expert service of reliable IT security companies.

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