brand identity

Creating a Brand Identity? Don’t Skip These 5 Do’s and Don’ts

When you own and manage a business, the first thing you’ll need to figure out is how to build your brand identity. It is important to note that brand identity is different from your branding. The latter only refers to your visual marketing.

Your brand identity is about how the public perceives your business as a whole. It does not apply only to your logo, name, and product offers. When creating your brand identity, make sure to keep the following do’s and don’ts in mind.

Do keep up with the trends

It may be true that not all business trends can benefit your business. However, this is not a reason to ignore current business trends completely. Take the new marketing trends, for instance. Many are now online and have their websites and social media pages. You now make use of videos that portray how you want customers to view your business. By hiring online video production services, you get to use video to help you build an innovative brand identity that can attract and retain clients.

Don’t adopt a new marketing trend without further research

You may have learned that more consumers are going crazy over the latest trends in your industry. However, you shouldn’t jump on the bandwagon without doing additional research. What worked for your competitors may not always work for your brand. You don’t want to spark a fire just because you failed to do additional research on the hottest trends.

Do show consistency on all channels and platforms

social media

Part of your brand identity is how you portray your brand online. It does not only pertain to your logo, business website and content shared. It is also about conveying stability everywhere your business is listed. Consumers do research now before trusting your brand. Make sure all of your business details are accurate and up to date, no matter what platform they are in.

Don’t fail your customers in any way

It is very easy to make mistakes that can turn off your clients. You need to try to live up to your client’s expectations. Always treat your clients the way you expect other businesses to treat you as a client. Deal with them with honesty and respect. Strive only to offer quality – whether in your products, services or customer interaction. Think about your company mission and make sure everything you do aligns with it.

Do keep a watchful eye on your online reputation

How your brand looks online can make or break your business. Would you be willing to take a risk and do business with a brand with tons of bad reviews? Make sure to keep your clients happy and encourage them to leave reviews, testimonials, and feedback. Address concerns and resolve negative reviews asap. Consumers will trust you better, and you get to retain more clients this way.

In everything you do, take note that research is a must-do. If you find out about a new business trend, do further research first. Always put your clients in the center of your brand. Mind how your online reputation is and do whatever it takes to improve your image. Keep in mind to portray your mission and values in everything you do. Only then will you get to establish a consistent and professional brand identity that is relevant and creates impact.

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