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Basic Furniture Options for Your Artist’s Studio Setup at Home

Serious artists always dream of having an ideal workplace; one that’s in their home and contains all of the materials that they need to create. However, while some dream, some already start by making do with their garages and bedrooms.

If you have the desire and the financial resources, then you might want to begin putting up your own studio. Just make sure that you have these essential pieces of furniture.


If you’re thinking of doing a lot of drawings and paintings of live human models, then sofas or couches are a good piece of fine furniture here in Utah to have. People can sit and recline in many different ways on it, and it can also be utilized on still life subjects that need low lighting.

If you’re having trouble when it comes to the material that you want the couch to be in, you might want to consider using wood. It’s a warm and good-looking material that won’t make any nude models feel uncomfortable.


Sure you have the large chairs, but that wouldn’t be useful if you want to move around and sit comfortably. For smaller seating options, you might want to get stools instead of the chairs with backs. There are good reasons for this. One, they fit the criteria of being lightweight and easy to move within the studio.

Two, they are suitable for placing small subjects on. And three, they are perfect if you want to capture a human model without the problem of obstructions.

furniture selections at a store


With the amount of materials as well as subjects that you would need to raise from the floor for ease, why would you forget about putting in a table? At least two should be included. One of them would be the more solid one, where you can put the materials that you use frequently.

The other one can be lighter for mobility and used for subjects. If you’re taking the digital route, however, tables would be used for your computer and possibly your pen tablet.

Seats by the Windows

Natural light is still the best when you’re doing life studies. If you can afford them from the time you buy your house, or when you’re going to remodel a room, try getting large windows complete with their own seats.

This setup helps let in light and can be used for experimenting with capturing different angles of lighting on your subjects. The natural light that comes in can also help keep your mood pleasant as you work for long hours on your pieces.

Making art professionally is a decision that you have to make for you to succeed. Part of that choice is creating an ideal space for you to work in. After that, it’s up to you to keep honing your skills and using it to become productive.

You would have to spend money for at least some of the items, but it will be worth it if you keep using them. If you have the potential and the resources, then don’t waste them.

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