video camera

Three Ways Videography Improved Throughout The Years

Making videos has come a long way since the late 1800s. Thomas Edison shot the first-ever video on a Kinetoscope machine. It was a one-minute clip of a man playing the banjo.

Since then, video technology has improved by leaps and bounds. In the early days of television, videos were shot on film and transferred to a television screen. But in the 1980s, Sony developed the first consumer video camera, which allowed people to shoot videos at home.

This ushered in a new era of home video-making. Suddenly, people could capture their lives on camera and share them with friends and family. This trend continued into the 1980s and 1990s when home video cameras became more and more widespread.

In recent years, videos have taken on a whole new life thanks to the internet, and with the internet and improvement in technology, a new era of video-making has started. Here’s how videography has changed throughout the years.


Let’s first discuss when Sony developed the first consumer video camera. Video cameras back then were made for professionals and were expensive and bulky. As a result, it made it difficult for amateurs to get into videography. But things changed when Sony released the first consumer video camera, called the Betacam, in 1981.

The Betacam was smaller and more lightweight, making it easy for consumers to use. It also had a built-in cassette deck, making it easy to record and store videos. In addition, it allowed people to shoot videos at home without having to go through the hassle of setting up a professional studio.

However, it’s still quite big and bulky. The cassette deck took up the majority of the camera, and as the years went by, companies decided to choose other options for it. Nowadays, video cameras are much smaller and more compact. They also use microchips such as an SD card. So gone are the days of cassette decks. Today, you can even shoot videos on your phone!

A hand held modern video camera


The quality of videos has also improved drastically. In the early days of video, the footage was often grainy and blurry. It was because the cameras were not very good at capturing light. But as technology progressed, cameras became better and better at capturing light, resulting in more precise and sharper footage.

In addition, video editing software has also become more sophisticated. In the early days of video editing, editors had to use two VCRs to splice together footage. But now, many different software programs make editing videos on a computer easy. This has made it possible for people to create high-quality videos without spending much money on professional equipment.

Moreover, how videos are delivered to the audience has also changed. With LED TVs becoming more popular, people are enjoying better quality movies more than ever. Additionally, people can also find these LED lights in various marketing options.

Many consumers want to show their ads to people in a creative way. One creative way people do this is by showing them off on custom video walls near their shops. These walls often use LED lights to make the videos look more attractive, which can help businesses reel in more customers.

Ease of Use

As we mentioned before, video cameras used to be very bulky and difficult. But now, they are much smaller and lighter, making them easy to carry around. In addition, many video cameras now come with built-in editing software, making it easy to edit videos on the go.

This has made it possible for people to shoot and edit videos without having to lug around heavy equipment. Additionally, many phones now have video-editing apps, which makes it even easier to edit videos on the go. Additionally, it’s great to have a video-editing software if you’re on the move and have to pass a project. People are also more comfortable using them.

Many different social media platforms make it easy to share videos with the world. In the past, people had to upload their videos to YouTube or Vimeo to share them with others. But now, many platforms allow people to share their videos directly on social media. It has made it easier for people to share their videos with friends and family.

The art of making videos has changed drastically throughout the years. These changes have made it easier for people to create high-quality videos without spending a lot of money on professional equipment. With the ease of use and the advancements in quality, there’s no doubt that videography will continue to evolve in the years to come.

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