
How Displaying Your Own Artwork Can Be Beneficial For You (And Its Buyers!)

A skilled hand in artistry, particularly in painting, is a blessing not everyone is lucky to be born with. Once you’ve nurtured and developed this skill, it could take you to many places, and in time, you’d make a name for yourself in the industry.

One way of showcasing your talent is by displaying your artworks. You can display some at home, and but if your goal is to gain more recognition and earn profits, then displaying them in art gallery should be your next move.

Exceptional printing services here in Utah, for example, can help you print and reproduce your digital and non-digital works of art. With them, you can proudly exhibit your hard work for the world to see.

Displaying Art for Business

Exposing your artwork in galleries, art festivals, and art shows would most probably be the easiest way to sell them. You may or may not show the prices, but potential buyers would have mixed reactions either way. With the prices visible, you’d face the likelihood of buyers being daunted by the cost.

But at the same time, interested buyers would no longer have to stop and ask for prices. Some buyers shy away from doing this, afraid that they might not afford it. If you choose not to display prices, some buyers might mistake your art as not being for sale.

And as mentioned, there could be some buyers that are shy to ask for the prices. Considering all points stated, displaying the costs of your art is the wiser option. Prices also show transparency. Interested buyers appreciate artists who are transparent with their work.

And according to Alan Bamberger of, not displaying prices can turn it into an uncomfortable game of how much people is willing to spend. With the price visible, buyers can decide right away if it fits their budget or not, saving both parties from awkward conversations.

Showing your prices can also earn you an advantage among art gallerists. When gallerists browse the internet for artworks to display, they’re more likely to consider those with prices displayed, because that means they no longer have to waste time deciding if they should contact you or not.


Displaying Artworks at Home

Having your artworks bought and displayed in homes are beneficial to you and the new owner. For one thing, you have gained direct support from them. And as for the buyer, it could make them feel good for having honored your hard work by purchasing one and displaying it at their abode.

Paintings, most especially, are unlike anything else, so they make for a satisfying and unique home decor. Its texture is also unmatched by other prints, which sets apart from other kinds of art. And the fact that it’s handmade shows more personality and richness. It makes people see your hand on your work.

Paintings also give off aesthetic appeal. It can serve as a focal point of a room, whether it’s bold and graphic or vintage landscape. Any kind of original painting impacts a room beautifully. Other than its decorative value, it could also hold an exclusive significance to families.

It makes a house feel like a home, especially if the painting has been with the family for decades. It could be an heirloom, a piece of undying family history.

Lastly, paintings can inspire. As an artist, seeing your own work can be motivational, especially with other people admiring them. And as for buyers, seeing paintings they adore right in their homes can refresh their spirits.

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