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6 Ways to Storm-Proof Your House

Storms, typhoons, and any other extreme weather conditions can cause major damages to your house. Anyone who lives in typhoon-prone areas will be sure to tell you that. Sometimes, there’s no helping the damage a storm can bring, especially when it comes to flooding and high winds. Don’t be the poor sod who gets caught unawares by a storm.   Always be prepared for anything. Here are some ways you can storm-proof your house and endure any bad typhoons coming your way:

Exterior check-up

One of the first things you should do when preparing your house for a coming storm is by checking the exterior. Look for any breaks or cracks in the walls, loose boards, or tiles on your roof, as well as on your patio or porch. Have all of these checked out and fixed before you do anything else. Your house’s exterior is your primary defense against the elements. The smallest chink in the armor might not seem like much now, but given enough time and force, it could be the first crack in that defense, leading to more cracks forming and eventually your armor breaking.

Have any exposed or weak parts of your wall covered up with some rendering supplies. Find any leaks in your roof and cover it up. If you have a roofed patio or front porch, check the columns and the flooring for any creaks or bending to prevent it from collapsing. Anticipate any possible openings or gaps in your house’s defense before they even happen, just to be sure, and do something about it.

Check with your insurance

The possibility of a major disaster happening to your home is always at the forefront of every homeowner’s mind when typhoon season comes along. Be sure to check and update your home insurance at least every year just in case. If something bad ever happens or a part of your home gets severely damaged by the storm, you’ll at least have some peace of mind knowing that any damages can be covered by insurance.

Trim surrounding trees of any hanging branches

When the high winds, heavy rain, and blinding lightning come, even the biggest trees can be felled with just enough force. If there are any trees near your house, check for any overhanging branches or weak ones that look like they could fall and damage your house. Even if the tree isn’t exactly right beside your home, strong winds can blow any fallen branches into your windows or onto your roof. Trim down any trees in your area just to make sure, leaving only the stable sturdy main branches in place. You can hire an arborist to do this, or try doing it yourself, with caution of course.

metal fence

Secure fences and outdoor fixtures

Make sure that your fence is planted securely into the ground to keep it from getting uprooted and flying off, especially in the direction of your house. Similarly, if you have any other outdoor fixtures such as patio furniture, lawn ornaments, and the like, either secure them or store them in your garage or house in the meantime. Basically, anything that can be lifted up and thrown around by the wind has to be secured or kept indoors.

Protect your roof, windows, and doors

Probably the most vulnerable parts of your house are openings like doors leading outside, windows, leaks on your roof, and your chimney. Getting a chimney cap can keep rain and wind from finding their way inside your home through the chimney. Install storm shutters on your windows or cover the glass with hurricane film, or use plywood for a cheaper option.

Check all the locks on your doors, inspect the hinges and their overall integrity so it doesn’t fly off when you so much as open it a crack. Install a deadbolt on your door or invest in shutters and other storm-proofing equipment. You can never be too careful when it comes to storms.

Prepare for any emergency

Always expect the worse, even when things are looking good. Prepare an emergency kit full of first aid supplies, flashlights, extra batteries, a radio, drinking water, food rations, and blankets, among other things. Make sure that most of it is waterproof or store it in a waterproof case or area. Charge your phones or any other handheld devices beforehand and sign up for a data plan so you can access the internet and call for help even when the WiFi’s down. Another important thing to keep in mind: map an escape route in case your house gets flooded or damaged.

When you’re prepared for the worst from the get-go, you’re no longer surprised when things take an unexpected turn. Even better, you’ll be ready for it. Take the time to prepare your family and your home from any incoming storm and you’ll forever be grateful that you did.

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